Midnight Sun Release Date

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Midnight Sun Release Date, a novel by Stephenie Meyer. This book is Edward Cullen's perspective of Twilight (not from Bella's). Midnight sun is expected to be out very soon within the day. After months since stopped Stephenie Meyer writing Midnight Sun due to the first twelve chapters were leaked online. I'm sure many readers, especially the fans of the Twilight series are already excited for the release of Midnight Sun. Even some are already looking for spoilers, preview and synopsis of the novel. Those who cannot afford to buy the original copy, download Midnight Sun e-books through illegal sites and torrents, which I discourage you guys to do.

In an interview last November 2008, Midnight Sun author, Stephenie Meyer revealed his thoughts about this novel:

"It's really complicated, because everyone now is in the driver's seat, where they can make judgment calls. I do not feel alone with the manuscript. And I cannot write when I don't feel alone."

Leaving Bella's POV we thankfully no longer must endure endless descriptions of Edward's godlike perfection, icy white granite skin, smoldering liquid topaz eyes, sculpted granite marble chest, scintillating arms, etc. Those are DIRECT QUOTES, btw. As with the other benefits of Edward's POV, I was at first relieved, but then horrified as I realized now we'd have to hear about BELLA'S perfection through Edward's eyes. *facepalm* Here's an abridged version of his lexicon for describing her (all are again, actual quotes):

her tiger-kitten outrage
kittenish fury
backwards thinking
silk over glass
eyes wide
full lips
deep eyes
pink across her cheekbones (general excessive blushing)
crease between her eyes
...and my favourite: So furious - so soft and so fragile. Pretty much sums things up!

So far, no official announcement on the Midnight Sun Release Date and time has been made. But if you ask me, I'm guess they will release it this midnight, August 27th 2009 (12 AM).



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