Edward and Jacob Shirtless Clip in ComicCon 2009

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Taylor Lautner & Rob Pattinson shows abs in “New Moon” clip! For all you New Moon fans waiting for the New Moon teaser trailers, I can not stress how amazing these scenes were! I was blown away by the footage. I was on my feet when Bella was running to save Edward (Rob Pattinson). In the first clip, Bella (Kristen Stewart) takes her first ride on a motorcycle built for her by best friend Jacob (Taylor Lautner). Jacob wears jeans, a brown t-shirt, and his hair is long. As she rides the bike, putting her usually clumsy self in danger, Edward’s apparition, a concerned look on his face, appears warning her to be cautious.

As she zooms down the road, Bella gains speed. She zooms by another apparition of Edward, standing in her path. She speeds by another. Losing focus, Bella swerves and falls from the bike, hitting her head on a rock.

“Are you trying to get yourself killed?” Jacob asks. Bella apologizes for the blood, but it doesn’t bother Jacob.

The second clip, shows Bella frantically chasing Edward (also shirtless!) in Italy in an effort to prevent him from stepping out into the sunlight and revealing his true, sparkling self, to cause Volturi to slay him.

Bella races through the crowded city. We see her at times in slow motion.

In slow motion, she looks up to see Edward, slowly unbuttoning his shirt just moments away from revealing himself in the sunlight. He opens his shirt to expose his pale chest. (And his abs. Very nice abs.)

Bella screams out to Edward. “Stop! Stop! No Edward, don’t!”


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